KSJ 50 Voices - FINAL
- Due May 1, 2019 by 12pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a discussion post
- Available after Feb 4, 2019 at 12am
The final version of your KSJ 50 Voices "flash essay" (500 words max) is due to the KSJ editors on May 1. All decided to submit to the KSJ 50 Voices - FINAL by 12pm on 5/1 to allow Harris to cluster them & write an intro
Submission Requirements
Please provide a very brief title for your piece and keep citations and footnotes to a minimum. We would expect contributions to be submitted by May 1, 2019, with decisions to come soon thereafter for inclusion in the year’s issue, scheduled to be published in Fall 2019. We are also planning an online forum and possibly a symposium next year to promote follow-up discussions of the collection.
Please submit MS Word documents to ksjournal@holycross.edu with the subject line “50Voices: [TITLE].” Submissions should follow relevant elements of KSJ House style (available at https://k-saa.org/keats-shelley-journal/ Links to an external site.). Questions and comments can be directed to Jonathan Mulrooney, K-SJ Editor, also at ksjournal@holycross.edu.
Include my email address as a bcc on this submission (katherine.harris@sjsu.edu)
Remember, even if your essay is not selected for publication, you may receive an invitation to contribute in other ways.
For this assignment, cut/paste your final submission flash essay into the body of the post.
The grade will be a combined 1) congratulations for submitting!; and 2) the quality of your writing.